Seaweed Bath Soak

Seaweed Bath Soak


Traditional Japanese Seaweed Bath (海藻風呂・kaisōburo)

Packed with natural anti-oxidants and essential vitamins, this traditional Japanese seaweed selection has been used for generations in Japan to repair skin, and has been shown to help against signs of ageing, cellulite, arthritis and eczema.


+ Contains the protective anti-oxidant Fucoxanthin, a carotenoid that has 13.5 times the antioxidant capacity of vitamin E.

+ Packed with easy to absorb minerals such as calcium, potassium, iodine, zinc, and magnesium.

+ Rich source of Iodine. Supports healthy thyroid function, hormonal balance, energy, and repairs damaged cells in your body.


  • 15 grams mixed seaweed (which expands 10 times the size when placed in bath water!)

  • Small cotton mesh bag.


Undaria Pinnatidifa (若芽・wakame), Laminaria (昆布・kombu), Chondrus Crispus (角又赤・tsunomataaka), Gigartina Teedii (杉海苔白・suginorishiro), Chondracanthus Tenellus (杉海苔青・suginoriao), Chondracanthus Tenellus (杉海苔赤・suginoriaka)

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